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Income tax declaration – files required

Annual statement from employer

Did you have:

  • income from employment;

In this section you can upload the annual statement you received from your employer and the most recent salary slip of the employer.

Annual statement from benefits agency

Did you have:

  • benefits (from the body implementing employee insurance schemes (UWV), Social Insurance Bank (SVB), etc.);
  • pensioen benefits or an annuity benefit from which wage tax has been withheld;

In this section you can upload the annual statement you received from your benefit agency and the most recent salary slip of the benefit agency.

Annual statement of other activities

In addition to your income from employment, do you have income from other activities (not being your company)? If so, please send a statement of:

  • the income received;
  • the costs paid.

WOZ value of your own home and annual statement of the mortgage

If you are the owner and also the occupant of your own (main) home we will need the following information:

  • The value under the Valuation of Immovable Property Act (WOZ) statement of the municipality for the fiscal year 2022 (value reference date as at 1 January 2021);
  • Mortgage interest paid (not redemption or premiums);
  • Remaining debt at the end of the year;
  • Paid ground rent (when applicable).

If you temporarily have (had) two homes (not a second home):

  • Please furnish copies of the Valuation of Immovable Property Act (WOZ ) statement for both houses
  • Is the vacant (new) home exclusively intended to serve as your own home within three years?
  • Was the vacant (former) home abandoned less than three years ago from 2022?
  • Was the former owner-occupied home temporarily rented out in 2022 pending its sale?
  • If the former owner-occupied home was rented out in 2022 without it being for sale, then it has become a second home. See the ‘Second home’ section below.

If you purchased a new owner-occupied home:

  • A copy of the civil-law notary’s statement of purchase for the property.
  • An overview of the costs incurred for the new home, such as the costs of the estate agent, civil-law notary, bank, land register or your mortgage advisor.
  • From what date will you be registered with the municipality at the new address?

If you sold a new owner-occupied home:

  • A copy of the civil-law notary’s statement of sale for the property.
  • Costs of selling the property, such as brokerage fees, appraisal costs and advertising costs.
  • From what date were you deregistered from the municipality at your old address?

Other assets and liabilities

Bank accounts, savings, receivables and cash

  • The balances of all bank and savings accounts as at 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2022 (copy of annual statement). Including those of minor children;
  • The balance as at 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2022 (specification) of the receivables;
  • Cash if more than € 560 (€ 1,120 for partners) as at 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2022. This includes any possession of crypt currency.

Securities and other investments, in the broadest sense of the word, but excluding immovable properties:

  • An overview of the composition and value as at 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2022 (e.g. your bank’s fund statement);
  • The amount of dividend tax withheld in 2022;
  • The amount of foreign dividends received in 2022 and foreign dividend tax withheld per fund;
  • For endowment insurance: a copy of the policy (to assess whether an exemption applies, unless it has already been provided) and the annual statement of accrued value;
  • Indicate green investments separately. Exemption may apply in this respect.

Other assets, NOT for personal use in your own household

  • Examples: Contents of a rented house, a rented caravan or boat;
  • An overview of their values as at 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2022. Works of art (at least 70% investment)
  • Examples: collection of works of art for investment, collection of vintage / veteran cars for investment;
  • An overview of their values as at 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2022.


  • All debts such as debts for the purchase of a second home, boat, caravan, debts to banks, credit card companies, department stores, suppliers of gas, water, electricity, internet and telephone services, etc. (but not the debt entered into for one’s own home);
  • An overview of their values as at 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2022.